The Subtle Signs of Aging in Cats: What To Look For

Posted on June 22, 2023 by Judy Dickey

an image of an older cat

As cats age, they undergo gradual changes that may not be immediately noticeable. These changes can often be subtle, and while some are normal aspects of aging, others can signal health problems. Here’s what to look out for as your cat grows older.

Changes in Activity Levels

One of the most noticeable signs of aging in cats is a decrease in activity levels. Older cats often spend more time sleeping and less time playing or exploring. While some decrease in activity is normal, a significant change could signal health issues like arthritis or other pain-related conditions.

Changes in Eating and Drinking Habits

Older cats may experience changes in appetite, often eating less than they used to. They may also drink more water, which could be a sign of several conditions including kidney disease or diabetes. Any drastic changes in your cat’s eating or drinking habits should be checked by a vet.

Changes in Grooming Habits

As cats age, they may have difficulty grooming themselves as thoroughly as they used to. This could lead to a duller coat, skin issues, or increased matting, particularly in long-haired breeds.

While these signs can be a normal part of aging, they can also indicate underlying health issues. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial as your cat ages, as early detection and intervention can often help manage health issues effectively. Remember, each cat ages differently, and your love and care can make their golden years comfortable and happy.

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